FOU- Courses. E learning
In the name of God, the most compassionate, the most merciful.
Fatima University, Catskill, NY is delighted to introduce its following the inaugural courses in Moral philosophy and Bioethics and the Life Sciences, Genetics and Molecular Biology , Science of Life, logic and Metaphysics, Medical education, Teachers training, InshaAllah in 2015
Fatima University Catskill, NY. Online course
Module 1. Moral philosophy and Bioethics
Bioeth 101: Nomenclature, Epistemology and Taxonomy of teaching Ethics.
Bioeth 102: Ethics over the ages: a journey through different periods and religious faiths.
Bioeth 103: Normative principles of ethics in medicine.
Bioeth 104: Social anthropology in bioethics.
Bioeth 105: Research ethics.
Bioeth 106: Neurosciences ethics.
Bioeth 107: Ethics in Journalism and medical documentation. Bioeth 108: Applied ethics. Case Based Discussions.
Bioeth 109: Ethical issues in predictive testing. PGD: Genes to Genome Mutations and disease. Ethnic groups and hereditary diseases. Ethnical issues in predictive genetic testing. Gene Therapy Bioeth 110: Work and inter- professional ethics.
Bioeth.111: Cross cultural ethics. Bioeth.:112: Ethics of administration.
About the course.
Morality is universal. Secular as well as religious segments of any society claim to be moral in their thought and deeds. What may however influence certain norms , even though universal, may be the cultural practices. So should we believe those who claim that morality is universal, or those who promote and support the principle of Relativism. and technology are moving so fast that no one can keep pace with their speed. Medical profession is no exception. This time honoured profession has seen many changes in recent times. These are the days of market economy and managed health care. Every human being is faced with new challenges posed by technology. Many moral issues have cropped up in our daily lives. For instance the practice of organ donation. We know that nearly every body agrees with the concept but should the state hold the card of consent to harvest the organs through ' an opting out' process'? Should the stem cell research be employed without checks and balances, even though for a good cause such as the regeneration of tissues and organs? And should states sponsor and carry out human cloning ? Should the mega rich pharmaceutical industry be allowed to carry out the drug trials on human volunteers through a surrogate consent or pretension of serving the poor by supplying medicine to those who may otherwise have none ?
What can this course do for you.
It can help you understand the principles and practices of bioethics in the contemporary world. It may not be able to answer all the questions or solve each and every puzzle, but it should provide you a scaffolding to build your philosophical structure upon. It should also teach you many aspects of educational strategies that you may know but not fully understand such as Pedagogy or Andragogy ; or indeed the conceptual theories of learning etc. Bloom's taxonomy is the founding pillar of modern education . We will teach you on those principles and hone your skills based upon the triangle of Knowledge, Skills and Attitude. We will help you develop the habit of data collection, critical thinking, analysis, synthesis , and problem solving.
it is sincerely hoped that you will benefit with the teachings of our seasoned international faculty , but even more through self study and interaction with the global participants who would be your peers. You may indeed come to make new friends from different cultures and different backgrounds who may think like you , or diagonally differ from your concepts inviting you to indulge in the ageless cerebral exercise of debate and discussion to solve the conundrums.
This certificate course would , at best teach you the nuances of moral philosophy and applied bioethics ; and at the least introduce you to the fascinating maze of morality and its slippery slopes.
Learning objectives.
Satisfactory completion of this online certificate program in Moral philosophy and Bioethics will enhance the employment opportunities in:
Hospital communities, as advisor/counsellor to the doctors, families and patients with struggling and difficult decision making .
Academia, with possible opportunities in fields such as Philosophy, Health Sciences, Public Relations, and Bioethics.
Health related industries. Pharmaceuticals, Health Boards, Ethics committees. 4. Improvement of the qualifications over time.
It is a certificate course; prospective students could be general public with a back ground of science , parents of affected children and health professionals.
Each lesson is based on 3 audio lectures of 45 minutes each supported by power point presentations .After each lesson there will be a quiz (MCQ), just to enhance the learning ability of the learners.
First lesson is focused to answer the simple questions like What is a gene ? How do genes work? Why are we different?
The second lesson is mainly covers the irregularities at the molecular level, the events that make a normal gene abnormal.
Lesson three focuses the common hereditary diseases of Ethnic groups, which helps to understand why a particular ethnic group is needed to be screened for a specific disease and not other.
Focus of fourth lesson would be the personal issues raised due to pre symptomatic prenatal and carrier testing of genetic diseases.
The ultimate aim of every research is to benefit the man kind, could gen therapy be the answer for the cure of genetic diseases ? its a debatable question, discussion in this lesson would be about positive and negative impact of gene therapy.
Reading Material:
Recent articles from scientific journals.
Recommended Text books:
Pierce , Benjamin ;A . Genetics and conceptual approach (4th edition) W.H. Freeman and
Company ,New York (
Emery’s Essentials of Medical Genetics . 2011 ( 14th) . Churchill Livingstone .
ISBN 13 : 9780702040436
Instructional methodology:
Lecture [45min] followed by Q/A, homework, case discussion etc.
Learning Resources:
Relevant verses of Holy Scriptures eg. Quran, Bible, Nahjal Balagha, Saheefae Kamila.
Selected chapters from
Ethics, J. Roth Salem Press, 2005
Ethical Discourses, N.M. Shirazi, Islamic Publishing House, 2008.
Islamic Ethics, A. D. Shirazi, available online at <
Lectures on Islamic Ethics, (Darse Ahklaq) by Syed Maududi
The Principles of Biomedical ethics . Beauchamp and Childress
Ethics in Medicine; Shabih Zaidi. Springer, 2014
Assessment and Evaluation:
Formal writing assignments. Formative exam 30%
Final written exam. Summative exam 70%
Evaluation of the course by students
Methods: MCQs, MEQs, Short essays, Challenge questions
Course Instructors with contact details: Prof. Shabih Haider Zaidi +44 (0) 7792269661 Skype: Shabihzaidi1
Prof. Mohsin Raza Hyderi +98-912-810-2861 Skype: abu.yahya.2013
Prof. Farzana Naqvi
e mail:
Skype ID: farzana.naqvi14
Module 2: Life Sciences
Course Title : Genetics and Molecular biology
Short Title : GMB
Code 110
Credit Hours. 3 + 0
Learning Objectives:
It is a certificate course, on completion of this course students shall be able to
Students who have a basic knowledge of Molecular biology and want to brush up their concepts. No prerequisite. This certificate course would be beneficial for general public, graduate students, doctors, research technicians .
On completion of this certificate course student will get a certificate of achievement .
Learning Resources:
Learning resources of this course include material which is produced in form of lectures supported by Power point. Students need to consult recommended books/reading material suggested simultaneously.
Assessment and evaluation :
Assessments are based on
Course Content : Faculty
Unit 1.Introduction to Genetics Dr. Farzana Naqvi
Lecture. 1An overview of Basic Genetic concepts
Lecture2.Influence of genes on traits
Unit.2 Classical Concepts of Mendelian Inheritance. Dr. Ahsana Dar
Lecture 1. Law's of Inheritance; Law of segregation
Lecture 2. Law of Inheritance ;Law of Independent Assortment
Unit.3 Principles of Molecular Genetics Ms. Ghazal Khan Lecture 1. Principles of cell biology and cell cycle.
Lecture 2. DNA structure and Function ; DNA , RNA, Protein
Lecture 3.Priniples and Techniques of Molecular Genetics ; Cloning DNA , Blotting Technique, Polymerase Chain Reaction.
Unit 3. Inherited pattern of genetic diseases: Dr. Farzana Naqvi
Lecture 1. Autosomal Dominant single- gene diseases
Lecture2 Autosomal Recessive single- gene diseases
Lecture 3. X. Chromosome Linked single-gene diseases ,Mitochondrial Inheritance
Unit 4. Oncogenes in Humans Dr. Shane Zaidi
Lecture 1. Activation of Oncogenes
Lecture 2. Molecular basis of Cancer
Total duration . 14 Weeks.
12 weeks of lectures and discussions etc.
1 week of self study.
Final week of Summative assessment and module evaluation.
Duration : 14 weeks
12 weeks Lectures
1 week self study
Final week. Examination/Evaluation
Faculty: Life Sciences
Course Title :
Genetics and Molecular Biology
Short Title : GMB
Course code : GMB 110
Credit Hours. 3 + 0
Qualification : Certificate Learning Objectives:
On completion of this course students, shall be able to
Show core knowledge of key concepts of Genetics of Inheritance
Demonstrate concepts of molecular principles and techniques used in ongoing research in the field of molecular biology
Understand the basic errors in gene function
Learning Resources:
Learning resource of this course include material which is presented in form of audio lectures supported by power points. Students need to consult the recommended text book or on line links simultaneously.
Prospective students: The course is meant to introduce the basic concepts of Genetics and molecular biology , students of all back ground who have an interest in the science of Genetics or refresh their knowledge for future courses are welcomed
Course Contents : Faculty
Unit 1.Introduction to Genetics : Dr. Farzana Naqvi
Lecture 1 & 2. Basic understanding of Genetic Concepts
Unit.2 Classical Concepts of Mendelian Inheritance: Dr. Ahsana Dar
Lecture 1. Law's of Inheritance: segregation
Lecture 2. Independent Assortment
Unit.3 Basic Principles of Molecular Genetics : Ms. Ghazal Khan Lecture 1. Principles of cell biology and cell cycle.
Lecture 2. DNA structure and Function : DNA , RNA, Protein
Lecture 3. Techniques of Molecular Genetics : Cloning , Blotting , Polymerase Chain Reaction.
Unit 3. Inherited pattern of genetic diseases: Dr. Farzana Naqvi
Lecture 1. Autosomal Dominant single- gene diseases
Lecture2. Autosomal Recessive single- gene diseases
Lecture 3. X. Chromosome Linked single-gene diseases
Unit 4. Oncogenes Dr. Shane Zaidi
Lecture 1. Activation of Oncogenes
Lecture 2. Molecular basis of Cancer
Prof. Farzana Naqvi
e mail:
Skype ID: farzana.naqvi14
Module: 3
Science of Life. Logic, Metaphysics Faculty : Syed Shabeeh ul Hasan
Introduction to metaphysics.
What is life. A scientific debate on its origin.
Consciousness. ( Shaoor)
Mind and Sleep and Dreams.
Autonomy and Compulsion ( jabr o Ikhtiar)
Existence and Existentialism. ( Wujood o Wujoodiat)
Science and Unity of Existence ( Wahdat ul Wajood)
Quantum physics and theory of entanglement.
String and M theory.Theory of Everything.Higgs Boson particle. E=MC2
Morality and global economics.
Religion and secularism Learning objectives.
Philosophy is the mother of five subjects, namely, Ethics, Logic,Politics, Aesthetics and Metaphysics.
This certificate course is designed to introduce the concept of free thinking, on the subject of Logic , Metaphysics and the Science of Life, covering some contemporary and many traditional topics, providing the basic information on some challenging subjects which have stood the test of time. Modern sciences have explained many phenomenon such as the basic forces controlling the activity of the universe and all its contents. Great scientists like Darwin, Einstein and Hawking have revolutionised the human thinking with their ground breaking works. Quantum Physics and the String theory as well as the Theory of Everything have opened new vistas for mankind to explore the universe indeed universes.
Life and death are like two faces of a coin. They are inseparable. But what is life and its origin. And how does the end come to numerous creatures on earth or in the oceans etc. then what is consciousness and does it exist in other inhabitants of the multiverses.
Inners self( khudi) plays an important role in the eyes of some great philosophers like Netchez and Iqbal . They have defined their ideal man. So did Aristotle many long centuries ago. What is its criteria and how does it apply to contemporary life.
Likewise the Atom changed our thinking a few decades ago, so what will be the impact of Higgs Boson particle on the future life. Will the enigma of the Dark matter and Dark energy be solved. And will the very origin of life be finally confirmed scientifically.
Wahdat ul Wujood or Unity of Existence alias One Being have baffled the scholars and Sufis for a millennium and more . Some like Mansur met their end in the process and others like Al Ghazali and Ibne Arabi went into wilderness searching the truth.
Autonomy and compulsion ( Jabr o Ikhtiar) has troubled a vast number of scholars over the years. The lecture on the subject may encourage further thinking and analytical analysis of the known facts as well as conundrums surrounding this ageless subject.
Finally the immortality of life and the concept of Transcendence of soul have been the focus of attention of many learned philosophers including Mullah Sadra, and Molana Rum. His famous couplet of defining reincarnation is included here.
The entire course is founded upon the philosophy of great Muslim and Western scholars drawing conclusion from the traditional as well as modern and contemporary teachings.
Module: 4 Medical education.
Faculty Training in Medical Education .
Training of medical teachers.
Traditionally medicine was taught through the process of mentorship, and long apprenticeship . Flaxner in the early 20th century designed the first scientific subject base curriculum. It has been in vogue since then.It was however challenged by to universities like McMaster in early 1950s, who introduced the new concept of Problem Based Learning ( PBL) . Much water has flown under the bridge since and the subject of Medical Education has grown to a speciality in its own right.
This course is designed for the benefit of medical teachers who may benefit by going through this certification course, with a view to further enhance their teaching prowess. It should also benefit any one interested in understanding the principles of Pedagogy and Andragogy and educational psychology, strategies and psychometrics of education per se.
Learning objectives.
1.To impart the latest knowledge of medical education to medical teachers.
2.To explain the philosophy, theories and principles of education in general but for medical schools in particularly.
3.To elaborate, discuss, elaborate and explain Pedagogy and Andragogy.
4.To discuss the various types of curricula and the steps in the development of a medical curriculum.
5.To introduce, explain, elaborate and teach the principles and application of curriculum mapping.
6.To define, describe, discuss , demonstrate the teaching and instructional strategies .
7.To define, discuss, explain and elaborate the process of assessment and evaluation; psychometric tools, Item response theory etc.
8.Medical writing, medical journalism, avoiding plagiarism.
9 . End note and other tools for referencing and documentation.
1.Theories and principles of teaching and learning. Pedagogy and Andragogy .
2.Curriculum development.Curriculum mapping for integrated teaching.
3.Teaching/ instructional strategies.
4.Assessment and Evaluation. Psychometric tests . Item Response theory etc.
5.OSPEs and OSCEs
6.Skill labs and development of educational resource centre. Simulation etc.
7.Epidemeology. Statistics for research scientists.
8.Research methodology. Writing a project.
9.Medical writing.
10.Communication skills.
12.Medical journalism
Dean . Mona Nasir
Shabih H. Zaidi
Mohsin Raza Hyderi
Mulazim Hussian Bukhari
Shaukat Ali Jawaid Vishi Singh.
Reading material.
' Teaching and Learning methods in Medicine' by Shabih Zaidi and Mona Nasir . 2014,